Women reentry

Social integration and inclusion after being in prison

with Pilar Larroulet and Catalina Droppelmann

The re-entry study is an intensive longitudinal project that follows more than 200 women released from prison in Santiago, Chile. It is funded by the San Carlos de Maipo and Colunga Foundation, and the Inter-American Development Bank. We used interviews over a period of one year to know their experiences on family life, housing, employment, social capital and health. Data collection finished in 2018. The final report is available here, for more publications see below.


journal articles

  1. SSR
    From Prison to Work: Job Patterns for Women in Chile
    Pilar LarrouletSebastian Daza, and 1 more author
    Social Science Research 2023
  2. ICJSD
    Who Is Transitioning out of Prison? Characterising Female Offenders and Their Needs in Chile
    Pilar Larroulet, Catalina Droppelmann, and 4 more authors
    International Journal of Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 2020

technical reports

  1. Reinserción, Desistimiento y Reincidencia En Mujeres Privadas de Libertad En Chile
    Pilar Larroulet, Sebastián Daza, and 3 more authors
    Estudio Reinserciόn, Desistimiento y Reincidencia en Mujeres 2021
  2. Integración Social
    Sebastian DazaPilar Larroulet, and 3 more authors
    Estudio Reinserciόn, Desistimiento y Reincidencia en Mujeres 2019
  3. Diseño, Metodología y Caracterizaciόn de La Muestra
    Pilar Larroulet, Sebastián Daza, and 4 more authors
    Estudio Reinserciόn, Desistimiento y Reincidencia en Mujeres 2019
  4. Evaluación de Sesgo En Línea de Base
    Sebastian Daza, and Pilar Larroulet
    Estudio Reinserciόn, Desistimiento y Reincidencia en Mujeres 2018