
journal articles

  1. SSR
    From Prison to Work: Job Patterns for Women in Chile
    Pilar LarrouletSebastian Daza, and 1 more author
    Social Science Research 2023
  2. JGSS
    Early Exposure to County Income Mobility and Adult Individual Health in the United States
    Sebastian Daza, and Alberto Palloni
    The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 2022
  3. Demography
    The Consequences of Incarceration for Mortality in the United States
    Sebastian Daza, Alberto Palloni, and 1 more author
    Demography 2020
  4. ICJSD
    Who Is Transitioning out of Prison? Characterising Female Offenders and Their Needs in Chile
    Pilar Larroulet, Catalina Droppelmann, and 4 more authors
    International Journal of Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 2020
  5. JAMA Int Med
    Association of Social Mobility with the Income-Based Longevity Gap in the United States. A Cross-Sectional, County-Level Study
    Atheendar S. VenkataramaniSebastian Daza, and 1 more author
    JAMA Internal Medicine 2020
  6. SMR
    Agent-Based Models for Assessing Complex Statistical Models: An Example Evaluating Selection and Social Influence Estimates from SIENA
    Sebastian Daza, and L. Kurt Kreuger
    Sociological Methods and Research 2019

working papers

  1. Consequences of Heritability, Assortative Mating and Fertility Differentials for the Obesity Pandemic
    Sebastian Daza, Alberto Palloni, and 2 more authors
    Working paper 2022
  2. Distinguishing between Interaction and Dispersion Effects in GxE Analysis: A Review of Strategies
    Sebastian Daza, and Alberto Palloni
    Working paper 2022 (Under review)
  3. Exploring the Link between Place’s Income Mobility and Mortality Using an Agent-Based Model
    Sebastian Daza, and Alberto Palloni
    Working paper 2021

books & conferences

  1. Early Childhood Origins of Modern Social Class Health Disparities
    Alberto Palloni, Daniel Ramirez, and 1 more author
    In: Handbook of Health Inequalities Across the Life Course 2023
  2. Income Inequality, Social Mobility and Mortality in the US
    Sebastian Daza, and Alberto Palloni
    Presented in Population Association of America (PAA) 2018
  3. Consequences of Childbearing in Delinquency and Substance Use
    Sebastian Daza, and Jason Fletcher
    Presented in Population Association of America (PAA) 2016
  4. ISUC
    The Impact of Age, Egotropic Vote, and Political Divisions in the 2009-2010 Chilean Election
    Nicolás Somma, and Sebastian Daza
    Cuadernos ISUC 2016
  5. Intergenerational Transfers in the U.S., Economic Inequality, and Social Stratification
    Alberto Palloni, and Sebastian Daza
    Presented in Population Association of America (PAA) 2014

technical reports

  1. Reinserción, Desistimiento y Reincidencia En Mujeres Privadas de Libertad En Chile
    Pilar Larroulet, Sebastián Daza, and 3 more authors
    Estudio Reinserciόn, Desistimiento y Reincidencia en Mujeres 2021
  2. Integración Social
    Sebastian DazaPilar Larroulet, and 3 more authors
    Estudio Reinserciόn, Desistimiento y Reincidencia en Mujeres 2019
  3. Diseño, Metodología y Caracterizaciόn de La Muestra
    Pilar Larroulet, Sebastián Daza, and 4 more authors
    Estudio Reinserciόn, Desistimiento y Reincidencia en Mujeres 2019
  4. Evaluación de Sesgo En Línea de Base
    Sebastian Daza, and Pilar Larroulet
    Estudio Reinserciόn, Desistimiento y Reincidencia en Mujeres 2018